Website Type Classification Web Type Design

Website Type Classification/Web Type Design There are many types of websites, such as propaganda stations, dating websites, portal websites, shopping mall websites, information classification websites, government websites and so on. The functions of different types of websites will be the same, and the functions of the same type of websites are generally not the same. It seems to be a mouthful, but to put it bluntly, the functions of each type of website are customized according to the needs of the user. No matter what type of website is called, it does not directly stipulate which functions can only be used by this type of website. No matter what type of website is called, the functions are still determined according to our needs. The type of website is only for others to understand the nature of the website faster. The most common website on the market is a publicity website, which is generally used for corporate publicity and display. Most of this type of website is to d...